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System Partner for hydraulics

We have been setting the standards in hydraulics for 50 years. Together with our customers, our technicians and engineers we develop innovative solutions in the field of hydraulic drive and control technology. We support you through every service rendering phase of your projects:

From the simple hose line to series production; from prototype development to commissioning or optimising your systems: HANSA-FLEX offers everything related to all aspects of hydraulics, from a single source.

With our tightly interwoven branch network, we are never far from our customers. We offer the full programme of hydraulic products and services at each of our locations: From a simple replacement hose line to high-performance hydraulic cylinders – personal, fast and reliable.

Over 300 response vehicles of the mobile rapid hydraulic service are always just a phone call away. Whether at a construction site or in plant, in the event of a machine failure all work is carried out on site – and round the clock.

Hydraulics with a system

You can take advantage of our system partnership too:

  • Engineering
  • Project planning
  • Installation
  • Industrial service
  • Fluid service
  • Logistical solutions
  • Rapid hydraulic service

At HANSA-FLEX, you will find more than 80,000 parts relating to all aspects of hydraulics:
  • Hydraulic hoses and hose fittings 
  • Hydraulic components
  • Couplings and ball valves
  • Cylinders and cylinder components
  • Sealing equipment
  • and much more – "all from a single source".